New Words for 2011

Another year, more new words… (and the authors who provided them)

12/29, bain-marie, epazote, minium, orpiment, Laura Esquivel
12/25, milliard, Nicholson Baker
12/24, longeron, Nelson De Mille
12/23, turnverein, Jack Finney
12/21, privity, Charles Dickens
12/10, paulownia, perilla, zelkova, Lian Hearn
12/8, syrinx, Tony Allan and Sara Maitland
11/20, ekpyrotic, guyot, mediocris, pileus, spissatus, taxon, testudinal, triploblastic, zeroth, Bill Bryson
11/14, frenulum, mazzatello, ondes Martenot, ootheca, Ned Beauman
11/8, yardang, found in a magazine
11/7, confute, landaulet, tippet, Booth Tarkington
11/3, BDU (abbrev.), nescience, phreatic, virga, Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child
10/25, bottine, gasconade, indite, mobcap, Fyodor Dostoyevsky
10/24, samite, John Dos Passos
10/24, aniline, axilla, bosthoon, decorticate, pelerine, stirabout, George Bernard Shaw
10/23, lacustrine, moquette, occiput, William Dean Howells
10/21, cestus, epergne, whitlow, Charles Dickens
10/19, bdellium, Brook Wilensky-Lanford
10/19, chela, Edgar Rice Burroughs
10/16, sabayon, Robert B. Parker
10/14, curule, decretal, Dante
10/13, poshlost, found online
10/10, recherche, Fyodor Dostoyevsky
10/9, chidden, Edgar Rice Burroughs
10/7, columbarium, elenchus, erythematous, facture, florilegium, mitotic, neoteric, plasmodium, Nicholas Baker
10/4, ketoh, N. Scott Momaday
10/3, ocelli, Edgar Rice Burroughs
10/1, chatelaine, tripos, George Bernard Shaw
9/24, hardel, proxemics, saccade, yespen, Michael Chorost
9/21, aegrotat, found online
9/16, stearine, P. G.Wodehouse
9/12, karakul, kazatsky, klabiash, Harpo Marx
9/11, lyddite, ryot, George Bernard Shaw
9/10, dissepiment, prolate, H. G. Wells
9/6, adverted, conventicle, Charles Dickens
8/24, culverin, pitahaya, Eduardo Galeano
8/24, bullate, clathrin, hispid, inselberg, lekking, Chet Raymo
8/14, appanage, George Bernard Shaw
8/11, balas, empery, noumenon, Jack London
8/6, fice, William Faulkner
7/25, cation, forb, isostasy, David R. Montgomery
7/13, antrum, auscultate, bistoury, bosthoon, cerement, cicisbeo, coryza, costive, dehiscence, ebriety, emunctory, fleam, fulcrate, fusiform, jarvey, midinette, omoplate, pinetum, suilline, trituration, trumeau, tucutucu, Samuel Beckett
7/9, debouch, Edgar Rice Burroughs
7/4, boss (of a shield), cyclas, nathless, palfrey, runlets, sumpter, Edgar Rice Burroughs
7/3, Buphonia, choenix, deme, Aristophanes
6/27, Abaddon, adjuvant, aguacate (Sp.), diathesis, spalpeen, O. Henry (William Sydney Porter)
6/25, exabyte, William Powers
6/9, renminbi, Niall Ferguson
6/8, bryony, Euripedes
6/1, factitious, Graham Greene
5/29, extranoematic, found online
5/25, boskage, Graham Greene
5/22, planchette, Agatha Christie
5/10, backfisch, intrigant, lambrequin, mignonette, morion, passementerie, Sinclair Lewis
5/8, adminicle, charabanc, defalcation, hospodar, pretermit, quod, surtout, vesta, vizard, wherry, Robert Louis Stevenson
5/6, spahi, Edgar Rice Burroughs
5/3, adoxography, from Michael Shook
5/2, esculent, Edgar Rice Burroughs
4/29, oniomania, syllogomania, Randy O. Frost and Gail Steketee
4/26, kettle (birds), melomel, metheglin, nixtamalize, Sharon Astyk and Aaron Newton
4/24, dingle, glim, hanger (a sword), lugger, moidore, Robert Louis Stevenson
4/15, swot, P. G. Wodehouse
4/14, asyndeton, from Carl Heyerdahl
4/10, edaphic, Wes Jackson
4/7, deodar, eupatorium, Ramachandra Guha
4/3, adduct, petard, T. Colin Campbell
4/1, congee, from the film In the Mood for Love
3/28, conodont, homeobox, opsin, pinna, Neil Shubin
3/27, tessera, Suzanne Collins
3/22, cresset, Edgar Rice Burroughs
3/20, moiety, trilithon, Tony Allan et al
3/14, jaggery, piloncillo, pistou, sabayon, soubise, David Kamp
3/8, poitrine, redivivus, scapegrace, Stefan Kanfer
3/7, tetanic, Agatha Christie
3/5, exeat, P. G. Wodehouse
3/4, bishop (a drink), negus (also a drink), Charles Dickens
3/3, tantalus, Agatha Christie
3/1, canalise, carminative, ferial, gibbous, louche, Monophysite, muniment, pullulation, tractate, Aldous Huxley
2/28, jointure, George Bernard Shaw
2/20, Bohea, curvet, mazzard, whangee, P. G. Wodehouse
2/18, farinaceous, Sinclair Lewis
2/14, ebullition, emulously, lawny, Robert Louis Stevenson
2/12, jorum, Malachy McCourt
2/10, pyx, Alison Frankel
2/6, intercalary, Fergus Fleming
1/31, Billiken, Regius professor, upas, P. G. Wodehouse
1/28, paynim, P. G. Wodehouse
1/21, huanglongbing, latifundium, seviche, swidden, transhumance, Evan D. G. Fraser and Andrew Rimas
1/21, aperient, coverture, exordium, make-weight, patten, slopseller, Charles Dickens
1/17, bogatyr, found online
1/16, judoka, found online
1/16, sessility, Eric J. Leed
1/15, Chindit, tropistic, John Gregory Dunne
1/9, continga, troupial, Allan and Lowenstein
1/8, leal, Lollard, miniver, relict, Mark Twain
1/4, didicoy, muso, schtum, Keith Richards
1/1, charkha, found online

To see Words I Just Learned from other years.

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